André Lamontagne, the Quebec minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, paid us a visit
On November 18, 2022, Minister Lamontagne stopped by the Dairy Cattle Complex during his visit to McGill’s Macdonald campus to get more...
André Lamontagne, the Quebec minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, paid us a visit
Impacts of Frequency of Outdoor Access on Movement-Restricted Dairy Cows
Can we detect welfare status in a milk sample?
Applications of BioMOOchanics Technologies to Evaluate Dairy cow Locomotion
What’s the scoop on cow poop?
How are we studying dairy cow longevity at CowLife McGill?
Monkeying around: Can Caregivers be an effective source of social enrichment for lab-housed monkeys?
L’exercice intérieur-extérieur chez les vaches laitières en stabulation entravée