Non-Scientific Meetings
Keynote talk
Vasseur E*. 2016. New research initiative on comfort, longevity and sustainable life of dairy cattle. Keynote talk at Novalait Technological Forum 2016. Longueuil QC Canada, Jun 2 2016.
Invited Presentations
Vasseur E*. (2020). Literature Review Key Points: Outdoor access and exercise, and End of life management. Invited talk at NFACC Code development committee, Scientific Committee Key Findings, Videoconference, March 31 2020.
Vasseur E*. (2020). Animal welfare science and welfare indicators – a background. Invited talk at Welfare Indicators Workshop, ICAR Working Group on Functional Traits, Vienna Austria, January 17, 2020.
Vasseur E*. (2020). Literature Review Key Points: Stalls and bedding, stocking density, and air and temperature quality. Invited talk at NFACC Code development committee, Scientific Committee Key Findings, Toronto ON Canada, Jan 6 2020.
Vasseur E*. (2019). Literature Review Key Points: Calf Feeding. Invited talk at NFACC Code development committee, Scientific Committee Key Findings, Ottawa ON Canada, Oct 19 2019.
Main Audience: Decision Maker
Vasseur E*. (2019). Quelles options pour améliorer le confort et le bien-être des vaches en stabulation entravée?. Invited talk at Comité d'Adminitration de réflexion des PLQ, Rouyn-Noranda QC Canada, 24 septembre 2019.
Vasseur E*. (2019). What are the Options to Improve the Comfort and Welfare of Dairy Cows?. Invited talk at OMAFRA Future of Dairy Housing Summit, Guelph ON Canada, May 7, 2019.
Vasseur E*. (2019). What are the Options to Improve the Comfort and Welfare of Dairy Cows?. Invited talk at 3nd Regional Conference on Cow Comfort and Lameness (RCCCL), Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of, Videoconference, Apr 24 2019.
Vasseur E*. (2019). What are the Options to Improve the Comfort and Welfare of Dairy Cows?. Invited talk at Western Canadian Dairy Seminar Red Deer AB Canada, March 5 – 8 2019.
Vasseur E*. (2019). How to make sure cows age well. Invited talk at Saputo Ontario Veterinary College Dairy Welfare Forum, Guelph Ontario Feb 19, 2019.
Vasseur E*. (2018). Quelles options pour améliorer le confort et le bien-être des vaches en stabulation entravée?. Invited talk at Symposium sur les bovins laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, October 30 2018.
Vasseur E*. (2018). Quelles options pour améliorer le confort et le bien-être des vaches en stabulation entravée?. Invited talk at Belisle Agronomists and R&D Team, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue QC Canada, October 25 2018.
Vasseur E* (cancelled - security reason). (2018). Lameness in Canadian dairy farms: prevalence, risk factors and producers’ attitudes. Invited talk at 2nd Regional Conference on Cow Comfort and Lameness (RCCCL), Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Vasseur E*. 2018. Current research on tiestall housing & ‘exercise’ in dairy cows. Invited presentation at Dairy Farmers of Canada Animal Care Technical Committee Meeting. Montreal QC Canada, April 23 2018.
Vasseur E*. (2018). How to make sure cows age well. Invited talk at MAUT MURA Retirees Luncheon, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue QC Canada, April 17 2018.
Vasseur E*. (2018). La boiterie chez la vache laitière: identification, état des lieux et facteurs de risques. Invited talk at Rencontre annuelle de la Clinique ambulatoire bovine de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal, Université de Montréal, Ste-Hyacinthe QC Canada, Februrary 7 2018.
Vasseur E*. (2017). Une analyse de lait pour prédire le bien-être et la santé des vaches?. Invited presentation at Novalait Technological Forum 2017. Brossard QC Canada, November 6 2017.
Vasseur E*. (2017). How to make sure cows age well. Invited talk at McGill 4 O’ Clock Forum Seminar Series, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue QC Canada, November 29 2017.
Vasseur E*. (2017). Une analyse de lait pour prédire le bien-être et la santé des vaches? Invited presentation at AGA Novalait. Brossard QC Canada. November 6 2017.
Vasseur E* (cancelled – weather conditions) 2017. Nouvelle initiative de recherche sur le confort, la longévité et la vie durable des bovins laitiers. Invited presentation at UPA Rencontre des Agronomes. Beloeil QC Canada. Mars 14 2017.
Vasseur E*. (2016). How to make sure cows age well. Invited presentation at McGill Sustainability Sciences and Technologies Initiative (SSTI) Lightening Event, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue QC Canada, November 8 2016.
Video available here.
Vasseur E*. (2016). Let's talk sustainability!. Invited presentation at CEGEP Symposium, Montreal QC Canada, November 4 2016.
Vasseur E* and S Palacio*. (2016). Farm animal welfare: where are we and how do we drive change?. McGill Food for Thought, McGill University, Ste Anne de Bellevue QC Canada, October 11 2016.
Vasseur E*. 2016. Perspective on sustainable life of dairy cattle. Invited presentation at the Young Women's Veterinarian Association (YWVA) World Annual Meeting. Montréal QC Canada, October 6 2016
Vasseur E* & Bergeron R*. 2016. Effet de l'exercice et du confort à la stalle sur la condition des vaches en stabulation entravée. Étude sur les litières alternatives. Invited presentation at Colloque lait biologique 2016. Saint-Agapit QC Canada. February 10 2016.
Puerto M A*, Cue R I, Warner D, and E Vasseur. (2019). La première fois et la dernière? L’impact du premier cas de mammite ou de boiterie sur la rentabilité des vaches laitières primipares. Symposium sur les Bovins Laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, 29 octobre 2019.
McPherson S*, and E Vasseur. (2019). Comment rendre la base de stalle plus confortable. Symposium sur les Bovins Laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, 29 octobre 2019.
Bélanger-Naud S*, Cinq-Mars D, Julien C, Lévesque J, Arsenault J, Buczinski S, Hélie P, and E Vasseur. (2019). Bien élever ses chevrettes: Un sondage sur les pratiques d'élevage dans les fermes caprines laitières canadiennes. Journée INPACQ caprins et ovins laitiers, Drummondville, Canada 25 octobre 2019.
Bélanger-Naud S*, Cinq-Mars D, Lévesque J, Buczinski S, Arsenault J, Julien C, and E Vasseur. (2019). Bien élever ses chevrettes: Un sondage sur les pratiques d'élevage dans les fermes caprines laitières canadiennes. Congrès annuel de l'AMVPQ, Estérel Resort, Estérel, QC, Canada 21 septembre 2019.
Fadul-Pacheco L, G Bisson*, R Lacroix, M Séguin, R Roy, E Vasseur and D Lefebvre. (2018). Utilisation des revenus du lait par minute au poste de traite pour évaluer la sélection des vaches et la rentabilité des fermes équipées d’un système de traite robotisée. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, October 30 2018.
Boyer E*, S Adam and E Vasseur. (2018). Augmenter la largeur des lits des vaches – quels impacts?. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, October 30 2018.
Shepley E*, G Obinu and E Vasseur. (2018). Impact du logement pendant la période de tarissement sur le repos des vaches. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers, Drummondville QC Canada, October 30 2018.
Boyer E*, S Adam S, A M de Passillé A M and E Vasseur. (2018). Devrait-on fournir des lits "King Size" aux vaches laitières?. Congrès de l'Association des Médecins Vétérinaires Praticiens du Québec AMVPQ 2018, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean QC Canada. May 31-June 3 2018.
St John J*, S Adam, J Rushen and E Vasseur. (2018). Impact de positionner la barre d’attache en suivant la pente naturelle du cou sur le bien-être des vaches en stabulation entravée. Forum Techno 2018 de Novalait, Drummondville QC Canada, May 16, 2018.
Boyer V*, S Adam, A M de Passillé, and E Vasseur. (2018). Augmenter la longueur de chaîne pour nos vaches en stabulation entravée: une bonne idée?. Forum Techno 2018 de Novalait, Drummondville QC Canada, May 16, 2018.
Shepley E* and E Vasseur. (2018). The effect of increased movement opportunity on cow behavior, health, welfare, and performance. Forum Techno 2018 de Novalait, Drummondville QC Canada, May 16, 2018.
St John J*, J Rushen, S Adam and E Vasseur. 2017. Que lest l’impact du positionnement de barre d’attache suivant la pente naturelle du cou sur le bien-êre des vaches laitièeres en stabulation entravée? Symposium sur les bovins laitiers du CRAAQ 2017. Drummondville QC Canada, October 24 2017.
Villettaz Robichaud M*, J Rushen, A M de Passillé, E Vasseur, D Haley, and D Pellerin. 2017. Optimiser le bien-être des vaches pour améliorer la productivité et la rentabilité. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers du CRAAQ 2017. Drummondville, Canada Oct 24, 2017.
Ferland J*, E Vasseur, M Duplessis, E A Pajor, and D Pellerin. 2016. Impacts socio-économiques de la transition vers un système de traite automatisée dans les fermes canadiennes. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers du CRAAQ 2016. Drummondville QC Canada, October 27 2016.
Palacio S, S Adam, R Bergeron, D Pellerin, A M de Passillé, J Rushen, D B Haley, T J DeVries, and E Vasseur*. 2016. Comment le bien-être des vaches laitières en stabulation entravée peut-il être amélioré par des modifications simples apportées à la configuration des stalles et l’accès régulier à l’exercice? Symposium sur les bovins laitiers du CRAAQ 2016. Drummondville, Canada Oct 27, 2016.
Scientific Meetings
Invited Presentations
Vasseur E. (2020). Animal welfare: definition, measurement and use in the context of dairy herd improvement. Invited presentation at UQAM Laboratoire Bioinformatique, Montreal QC Canada, Februray 5 2020.
Vasseur E. (2020). What are the Options to Improve the Comfort and Welfare of Dairy Cows?. Invited presentation at Vetmeduni Vienna – Institute of Animal Welfare Science, Vienna Austria, Jan 21 2020,
Vasseur E. (2019). Quelles options pour améliorer le confort et le bien-être des vaches en stabulation entravée?. Invited presentation at 1ère réunion Op+Lait FRQNT Strategic Grouping & INRA French Institute of Research in Agronomy, Saint-Hyacinthe Quebec 21-22 Novembre 2019.
Vasseur E. (2018). Helping cows age well: sustainable lives of dairy cattle. Invited presentation at Faculty of Agriculture Visiting Speaker Series 2018. Dalhousie University, Truro NS Canada, March 9 2018.
Vasseur E. (2018). Initiative de recherche sur le confort, la longévité et la vie durable des bovins laitiers. Invited presentation at GRESABO Groupe de recherche en santé bovine, Université de Montréal. Videoconference. November 7 2018.
Vasseur E. (2017). New research initiative on the comfort, longevity and sustainable life of dairy cattle. Invited presentation at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Bovine Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Network (CBMQRN). Montreal QC Canada, May 8 2017.
Vasseur E. (2016). Optimizing outcome measure of welfare in dairy cattle assessment. Invited presentation at the Animal Behavior and Well-Being Symposium titled “Metrics for On-Farm Animal Welfare Assessment–Current State and Future Needs” held at the American Society of Animal Science Joint Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City UT USA, July 19–23 2016; J Anim Sci
Scientific Presentations
Muszik J*, Cellier M, Aigueperse N, Vasseur E. It makes a brave cow: how frequency of outdoor access improves the reactivity and human-animal relationship of dairy cattle. 55th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Ohrid, North Macedonia, September 5-8 2022.
Cellier M*, Aigueperse N, Shepley E, Villettaz Robichaud M, Vasseur E. Let’s mo (o) ve cows! Quantifying and optimizing locomotor activity by providing different modalities of exercise access. 55th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Ohrid, North Macedonia, September 5-8 2022.
Rachel Chiasson, Nadège Aigueperse, Marianne Villettaz Robichaud, and Elsa Vasseur (2021) Quelles sont les réponses émotionnelles des vaches laitières lorsqu’elles ont accès à une aire d’exercice intérieure ou extérieure? Symposium sur les Bovins Laitiers.
Tonooka J*, M Villettaz Robichaud, and E Vasseur. (2020). What’s the scoop on cow poop? Eliminative behaviors of dairy cows during winter and summer with and without outdoor access. GRESABO Groupe de recherche en santé bovine, Université de Montréal. Videoconference. March 9 2020.
Lussier C*, M Villettaz Robichaud, and E Vasseur. (2020). Can an hour a day keep the heat stress away:
providing summer outdoor access and its effect on panting behaviour in dairy cows. GRESABO Groupe de recherche en santé bovine, Université de Montréal. Videoconference. March 9 2020.
Shepley E*, Lensink J, and E Vasseur. (2019). A cow in motion: Are we really providing ‘exercise’ to dairy cow?. 53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Bergen Norway, August 5-9 2019.
Freinberg C, A Zambelis, and E Vasseur*. (2019). Have the cows hit the wall: validation of contact mats to monitor dairy cow contact with stall partitions. 53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Bergen Norway, August 5-9 2019.
Bélanger-Naud S*, Cinq-Mars D, Lévesque J, Buczinski S, Arsenault J, Julien C, and E Vasseur. (2019). Raising your kids the right way: A survey of rearing practices in Canadian dairy goat farms. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show, Austin TX USA, July 9 2019.
Shepley E*, and E Vasseur. (2019). Housing tie-stall dairy cows in deep-bedded loose-pens during the dry period has the potential to improve gait. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting 2019, Cincinnati OH USA, June 23-26 2019.
Warner D*, R Lacroix, R I Cue, and E Vasseur. (2019). Keeping the most profitable cow and not the most yielding one: Lifetime cost-benefit assessment as a decision-making support tool in dairy management. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting 2019, Cincinnati OH USA, June 23-26 2019.
Bahadi M*, A Ismail, D Santschi, D Lefevbre, R Duggavathi, and E Vasseur. (2019). Detecting welfare status in a milk sample: Effects of tie-rail placement on milk composition by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting 2019, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 23-26, 2019.
Warner D*, O W Dovoedo, L Fadul-Pacheco, H A Delgado, R Lacroix, R I Cue, K M Wade, D Pellerin, J Dubuc, S Dufour, and E Vasseur. (2019). Improving culling decision using lifetime cost-benefit analysis: An interactive dairy management tool to assess herd profitability. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting 2019, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 23-26, 2019.
Puerto M A*, Cue R I, Warner D, and E Vasseur. (2019). Could the first time be the last time? Implications of the first incident of mastitis or lameness on total milk production in first lactation cows. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting, 23-26 Juin 2019, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 23-26, 2019.
McPherson S*, and E Vasseur. (2019). Making stall beds more comfortable: The effect of longitudinal space on lying behavior and leg injuries on dairy cows housed in deep-bedded tie-stalls. American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 23-26, 2019.
Habanabakize E*, Ba K, Corniaux C, Diao Camara A, Cortbaoui P, and E. Vasseur. (2019). Performance et adaptation des systèmes d’élevage et filières lait et viande au Sénégal. 3èmes rencontres internationales Symposium Lait, vecteur de développement, Jun 12-13 2019, Dakar, Sénégal, Conference, French National Institute for Agricultural Research INRA.
Shepley E*, G Obinu, T Bruneau, and E Vasseur. (2019). "Creatures of comfort": l'impact du logement lors de la période de tarissement sur les comportements de repos des vaches laitières. Animal Science Research Day 2019, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada. May 24, 2019.
McPherson S*, and E Vasseur. (2019). Making stall beds more comfortable: The effect of longitudinal space on lying behaviour and leg injuries on dairy cows housed in deep-bedded tie-stall. Animal Science Research Day 2019, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada. May 24, 2019.
Puerto M A*, Cue R I, Warner D, and E Vasseur. (2019). Could the first time be the last time? Implications of the first incident of mastitis or lameness on gross profit in first-lactation cows. Animal Science Research Day 2019, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada. May 24, 2019.
Shepley E*, G Obinu, T Bruneau, and E Vasseur. (2018). "Creatures of comfort": l'impact du logement lors de la période de tarissement sur les comportements de repos des vaches laitières. Rendez-vous Annuel Op+Lait, Campus Macdonald de l'Université McGill, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC Canada, November 28 2018.
Bélanger-Naud S*, D Cinq-Mars, J Lévesque, S Buczinski, J Arsenault, C Julien C, and E Vasseur. (2018). Identification, analyses et développement des pratiques d'élevage des chevrettes laitières sur les fermes au Canada. Rendez-vous Annuel Op+Lait, Campus Macdonald de l'Université McGill, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC Canada, November 28 2018.
Boyer V*, E Edwards, M F Guiso, S Adam, P Krawczel, A M de Passillé, and E Vasseur. (2018). Devraiton fournir des lits "King-size" aux vaches laitières?. Rendez-vous Annuel Op+Lait, Campus Macdonald de l'Université McGill, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC Canada, November 28 2018.
St-Pierre J*, M Leduc*, and E Vasseur. (2018). Automation of injury assessment on dairy cows using 3D scanner. 12th Annual Poster Presentation for Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA), Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC Canada, September 10 2018.
Boyer V*, Adam S, de Passillé A M and E Vasseur. (2018). Loosening the ties we put on dairy cows. 52nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Charlottetown PEI Canada, July 30-August 3 2018.
Zambelis A, M Gagnon-Barbin, J St John and E Vasseur*. (2018). Development of a rising and lying-down ability index in dairy cattle and its relationship with other welfare outcome measures. 52nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Charlottetown PEI Canada, July 30-August 3 2018.
Shepley E*, G Obinu and E Vasseur. (2018). The impact of housing tie-stall-housed dairy cows in deepbedded loose-pens during the dry period on lying time and postures. 52nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Charlottetown PEI Canada, July 30-August 3 2018.
Boatswain Jacques A A, Knight R S, Leduc M*, Adamchuk V I, and Vasseur E. (2018). Automatic classification of dairy cattle skin injury type and severity using machine-learning techniques. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
St John J*, Rushen J, Adam S, and E Vasseur. (2018). The effect of tie-rail placements on neck injuries and lying and rising ability of tiestall-housed dairy cows. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Warner D*, E Vasseur, S Adam, M Villettaz Robichaud, D Pellerin, D Lefebvre, and R Lacroix. (2018). Remote assessment of herd-level welfare status based on indicators from routinely collected milking records. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Boyer V*, E Edwards, M F Guiso, S Adam, P Krawczel, A M de Passillé, and E Vasseur. (2018). Would cows benefit from “king-size” beds?. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Shepley E*, H Leruste, J Lensink, and E Vasseur. (2018). The effect of two different indoor AMS loosehousing options and pasture-access on dairy cow step activity and time budget. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Zambelis A*, T Wolfe, and E Vasseur. (2018). Validation of an ear-tag accelerometer to to identify feeding and activity behaviors of tie-stall housed dairy cattle. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Fadul-Pacheco L, R Lacroix, M Séguin, M Grisé, E Vasseur, and D Lefebvre*. (2018). Comparison of milk composition and somatic cell count estimates from automatic milking systems sensors and milk recording laboratory analyses. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting (ADSA) Annual Meeting, Knoxville TN USA, June 24-27 2018.
Fadul-Pacheco L*, G Bisson, R Lacroix, M Séguin, R Roy, E Vasseur, and D Lefebvre. (2018). Usage of Milk Revenue Per Minute of Boxtime to Assess Cows Selection and Farm Profitability in Automatic Milking Systems. 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal Q Canada. June 24-27 2018.
Warner D*, E Vasseur, D Lefebvre, and R Lacroix. (2018). Detection and Monitoring the Risk Level for Lameness and Lesions in Dairy Herds by Alternative Machine-Learning Algorithms. 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal Q Canada. June 24-27 2018.
Palacio S, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D, DeVries T, and Vasseur E*. (2017). A sustainable management option for tie-stall farms: providing year-long exercise helps improve dairy cow welfare. 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level hosted by Wageningen University and Research, Ede, The Netherlands, September 5-8, 2017.
St John J*, Rushen J, and Vasseur E. (2017). What is the effect of new tie-rail height and forward positions based on the cow neck line on ruminating and feeding behaviors of dairy cows housed in tie-stalls? 51st Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Aarhus, Danemark, August 7-10, 2017.
Shepley E*, Berthelot M, and Vasseur E. (2017). Validation of the ability of a 3D pedometer to accurately determine number of steps in dairy cows when housed in tie-stall. 51st Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Aarhus, Danemark, August 7-10, 2017.
Palacio S*, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D B, DeVries T J, Vasseur E. (2017). The effects of access to pasture, winter exercise, and modified stalls on the welfare and behaviours of dairy cows kept in tie-stalls. 13th ISAE North-American Regional Meeting. Iowa State University, Ames IA USA, May 12-13 2017.
St John J*, and Vasseur E. (2017). Analyse de photos pour détecter l’apparition et suivre l’évolution du niveau de blessures corporelles chez la vache laitière. Scientific colloquium 204 - Le suivi automatique du comportement animal : l’éthologie dans l’ère du « big data », on May 12, 2017, as part of the 85th annual scientific conference of Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) hosted by McGill, downtown campus, May 8-12, 2017.
Fadul-Pacheco L*, and Vasseur E. (2017). Récupération et analyse de données massives en provenance des systèmes de traite informatisés (STI) pour le développement d’indicateurs de performance et de bien-être chez la vache laitière. Scientific colloquium 204 - Le suivi automatique du comportement animal : l’éthologie dans l’ère du « big data », on May 12, 2017, as part of the 85th annual scientific conference of Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) hosted by McGill, downtown campus, May 8-12, 2017.
Stecko P*, and Vasseur E. (2017). Suivre l’utilisation que la vache laitière fait de son espace à la stalle à l’aide de technologies de biotracking. Scientific colloquium 204 - Le suivi automatique du comportement animal : l’éthologie dans l’ère du « big data », on May 12, 2017, as part of the 85th annual scientific conference of Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) hosted by McGill, downtown campus, May 8-12, 2017.
Boyer V*, and Vasseur E. (2017). Utilisation de collecteurs d’activité pour mesurer les comportements alimentaire et de rumination chez les vaches laitières. Scientific colloquium 204 - Le suivi automatique du comportement animal : l’éthologie dans l’ère du « big data », on May 12, 2017, as part of the 85th annual of Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) hosted by McGill, downtown campus, May 8-12, 2017, Montreal, QC.
Palacio S*, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D B, DeVries T J, Vasseur E. (2017). Effects of stall improvement and regular exercise on body injuries of cows housed in tie-stall. 10th Annual CCSAW Research Symposium, Guelph, ON Canada. May 10 2017.
Palacio S*, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D B, DeVries T J, and Vasseur E. (2016). How much can different aspects of dairy cow welfare be improved by providing yearlong exercise to dairy cows kept in tie-stalls? 2nd Canadian Organic Science Conference. Montréal-Longueil QC Canada, September 19-21 2016.
Shepley E*, Vasseur E, and Bergeron R. (2016). Would organic dairy cows with year-long outdoor experience choose to spend time at pasture over their free-stall barn? 2nd Canadian Organic Science Conference. Sep 19-21, 2016. Montréal-Longueil, QC. #47
Brunette (Wolfe) T, E Vasseur, T DeVries, and R Bergeron*. (2016). Switchgrass as an alternative bedding for dairy cows housed in tie-stalls. 2nd Canadian Organic Science Conference. Montréal-Longueil QC Canada, September 19-21 2016.
Lachance S*, E Vasseur, E Shepley, S Saha, and R Bergeron. (2016). Plant bioactive products and internal and external parasite control in dairy production. 2nd Canadian Organic Science Conference. Montréal-Longueil QC Canada, September 19-21 2016.
Palacio S*, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D B, DeVries T J, and Vasseur E. (2016). Can regular exercise and more comfortable stalls improve cleanliness and lameness in tie-stall dairy cows? 2016 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City UT USA, July 19–23 2016.
Shepley E*, Vasseur E, and Bergeron R. (2016). Daytime pasture vs. free-stall barn access: What do dairy cows with year-long outdoor experience prefer? 2016 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting. 2016 ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City UT USA, July 19–23 2016.
Vasseur E*, Rushen R, de Passillé A M, and Pellerin D. (2016). How to make sure cows age well: incorporating economics, environment and welfare for truly sustainable animal farming. 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Edinburgh UK, July 12-15 2016.
Palacio S*, Adam S, Bergeron R, Pellerin D, de Passillé A M, Rushen J, Haley D B, DeVries T J, and Vasseur E. (2016). Effect of stall improvement and regular exercise on body injuries of cows housed in tie-stall. 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Edinburgh UK, July 12-15 2016.
Brunette (Wolfe) T, Vasseur E, Devries T and Bergeron R*. (2016). Effects of alternative deep bedding options on dairy cow preference, lying behaviour, injuries and hygiene. 50th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Edinburgh UK, July 12-15 2016.